About Us
White Bird Christian School is a faith based learning community, providing academic excellence and preparing students for a lifetime commitment to Christ. We offer both a classical classroom setting and a hybrid program for homeschooled student.
Creating a Space for Learning
We believe that each child is a unique creation of God and called to a specific purpose in life. For effective learning to occur, our students should feel encouraged, respected, and acknowledged. We strive to provide a safe space, one that is essential for building trust and establishing a positive community for the children.
Teaching Style
Our style of teaching offers a balance between student-centered and teacher-centered approaches. In this blended style, the teacher provides structure and flexibility, adapting lesson plans to each students needs. Allowing the student to grow with confidence and stay engaged in the learning process.
WBC’s Hybrid Program blends the best aspects of homeschool and private Christian school models. Parents work together in partnership with in-class teachers. The teachers select the curriculum, make the lesson plans and provide support for parents as they teach at home. Hybrid parents have significant responsibility and accountability to ensure at-home work is completed and students comprehend what they’re learning on homeschool days.
Our Hybrid students benefit from the same individual approach to education as our full-time students. Students are placed in on-level classes meaning each student is appropriately challenged.
Because of their time at home, students can spend extra time practicing skills, or can work quickly through areas they've already mastered. Students are also able to explore subjects of particular interest more deeply.
WBC’s Hybrid program also offers a unique amount of flexibility for families. Parents and students determine how their Monday and Wednesday homeschool days look. YOU get to decide what works best for your family.
Relationships are important, and our students enjoy participating during in-class discussions, playing with friends, and participating in group projects. Recesses with multiple grades and one lunch period enable students to socialize appropriately.
Our students also enjoy building relationships with friends through various events and activities.
Field Trips
School Socials
Community Service
Hybrid Program Schedule:
Monday and Wednesday - At home
Tuesday and Thursday - On Campus
8:00 am -3:00 pm
Hybrid Program
PrincipalMy husband Shon and I grew up, met and married in a small town in northwest Washington. I earned my teaching degree and then taught at the primary level for 35 years. Shon worked as a paramedic in the same area. We love small towns and moved to White Bird when we felt the Lord leading us out of Washington. I love working with children and am excited to see them grow academically and in their walk with God.
Lead TeacherMy love for eduction lead to a Masters degree in Teaching with a focus in upper level biology. My journey through education has been unconventional, but adventitious. I have homeschooled my three children, taught in the public school system, and informally educated students in the field. Through all of these avenues I have seen and felt the value of education. My hope is to inspire students’ curiosity and promote critical thinking while developing a sound knowledge base. As educators our biggest goal should not be to impress facts, but rather to empower students to invest in their own education and to ask questions and seek answers. A lifetime should be filled with leaning! It is my job to equip young minds with the tools needed for success both in the classroom and out in the real world.